Quick Games to Play on Zoom With Coworkers

With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, many people are now working from home. While this can be a great way to get some peace and quiet, it can also be quite isolating. One way to combat this isolation is to connect with your coworkers via Zoom.

Here are some quick games you can play on Zoom with your coworkers to stay connected and have some fun!

If you’re looking for some quick and fun games to play with your coworkers over Zoom, here are a few ideas! 1. Word Ladder: This game is similar to Scrabble, but with a twist. The goal is to make a chain of words, each one starting with the last letter of the previous word.

For example: cat, tar, rat, atlas. 2. Grammar Scavenger Hunt: This one is for all the grammar nerds out there! The object of the game is to find examples of specific grammatical constructions from a list (e.g., finding a sentence with two subordinate clauses).

Whoever finds the most examples in 5 minutes wins! 3. Quiz Show: You can easily turn any trivia game into a quiz show by dividing up into teams and playing via Zoom. Jeopardy style trivia games are always popular, or you could come up with your own questions based on your company or industry knowledge.

4. Drawing Games: There are lots of great drawing games that can be played online, like Pictionary or Draw Something. Divide into teams and take turns trying to guess what your teammates are drawing!

Quick Games to Play on Zoom With Coworkers

Credit: www.youtube.com

What are Some Quick Games That Can Be Played on Zoom With Coworkers

Assuming you would like a list of games that can be played quickly over Zoom with coworkers: 1. Hangman – A classic game that can be played with any number of people, Hangman is a great way to pass the time and get everyone involved. To make things more interesting, try incorporating company-specific words or phrases into the game.

2. Word Ladder – Similar to Hangman, Word Ladder is a word-based game that can be played with any number of people. The goal is to create a chain of words, each one only differing by one letter from the previous word. For example: CAT – COT – COST – POST.

3. Trivia – There are many online trivia quizzes that can easily be played remotely with coworkers. This is a great way to test everyone’s knowledge and have some friendly competition amongst colleagues. 4. Scavenger Hunt – With a little bit of planning, you can host a virtual scavenger hunt for your coworkers using Zoom’s breakout rooms feature.

Hide clues around your house or office and send teams off to find them. The first team to find all the clues and return to the main room wins! 5. Pictionary – Another classic game that can be played virtually, Pictionary is perfect for larger groups as it can accommodate an unlimited number of players split into teams.

One player from each team draws a picture based on a secret word while their teammates guess what it is. 6. 20 Questions – A simple but fun game that requires no props or preparation, 20 Questions can be played with any number of people (though works best with 4-6).

How Can We Make Sure Everyone is Able to Participate in the Games

When it comes to making sure everyone is able to participate in the games, there are a few things that can be done. First and foremost, it’s important to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and respected. This means having clear rules and guidelines that everyone agrees to adhere to.

It also means being open-minded and willing to make adjustments if needed in order to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy the game. Additionally, it’s important to have a good variety of games available so that there’s something for everyone. And finally, don’t forget about providing adequate instruction so that everyone knows how to play the game properly.

By following these tips, you can help create an enjoyable gaming experience for all.

What If Someone Isn’T Comfortable Playing Games on Zoom

If someone isn’t comfortable playing games on Zoom, there are a few things they can do to make themselves more comfortable. First, they can choose to play in a private room with only people they know. Second, they can use the “mute” and “disable video” features to limit their interaction with other players.

Finally, they can ask the host of the game to adjust the settings so that they are more comfortable.

What If We Want to Play a Game That Requires More Than Two People

There are a few options for playing games with more than two people. One option is to play a game with teams. Each team can have as many players as desired, and the teams can be of any size.

Another option is to have each player take turns being the referee, so that everyone gets a chance to play the game fairly. Finally, some games are designed specifically for large groups of people and can accommodate any number of players.

7 NEW EASY ZOOM GAMES TO PLAY | Fun Virtual Game Ideas For All Ages | SIMPLE AND FUN Virtual Games

Games to Play With Coworkers Online

We all know that working from home can be a bit isolating. You miss the water cooler chatter and impromptu happy hours. But just because you’re not in the office doesn’t mean you can’t still bond with your coworkers!

Here are some fun games to play online with your coworkers to stay connected and have a little fun. 1) Jackbox Party Pack – This is a great collection of party games that are perfect for playing with a group online. There’s something for everyone, from trivia to drawing games.

And since it’s all played through a web browser or on your phone, it’s super easy to set up and get started. 2) Cards Against Humanity – This classic card game is as hilarious as ever, even when played virtually. Just make sure everyone has a copy of the deck before you start playing.

3) Scattergories – This word game is always good for some laughs (and sometimes heated competition). Again, make sure everyone has a copy of the game before you start playing. 4) Quiplash – Another great party game that’s perfect for playing online.

With this one, players come up with funny answers to prompts and then vote on their favorite. It’s always good for some laughs. 5) Werewolf/Mafia – If you’re looking for something a little more strategic, try out Werewolf or Mafia.

These deduction games are great for groups of 7-10 people and can be played over video chat or forums.


If you’re looking for some quick games to play with your coworkers on Zoom, here are a few ideas. You can play charades, Pictionary, or even Twenty Questions. If you want something a little more active, try a virtual scavenger hunt or an online trivia game.

And if you’re feeling creative, you can always make up your own game!

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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