Will Nintendo Eshop Games Transfer to Switch

Nintendo Switch is the latest console from the gaming giant, and it promises to revolutionize gaming. One of the most intriguing features of the Switch is its ability to download and play games from the Nintendo eShop. This raises the question: will Nintendo eShop games transfer to Switch?

The answer appears to be yes. When you purchase a game from the Nintendo eShop, it will be linked to your account. You can then access that game on any device that is connected to your account, including the Switch.

There’s been a lot of speculation about whether or not Nintendo Eshop games will transfer to the Switch. The short answer is: we don’t know yet. Nintendo has said that they are working on making it possible for players to transfer their digital games and save data from the Wii U to the Switch, but they haven’t given any specifics about how this will work.

It’s possible that you’ll be able to transfer your Eshop games and save data over directly, but we’ll have to wait and see what Nintendo announces closer to the Switch’s launch. In the meantime, if you’re looking to get your hands on some great Eshop games, check out our list of the best ones available right now!

How to Transfer Games from Switch to Switch Oled | Nintendo Switch Game Transfer

If I Get a New Switch Will I Lose My Games

If you’ve been thinking about picking up a Nintendo Switch, but are worried about losing your progress in games like Super Mario Odyssey or The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, don’t worry! As long as you have an Nintendo account, all of your save data will be backed up online so you can pick up right where you left off if you ever need to start over. Here’s how it works: when you create a Nintendo account and link it to your Switch console, any save data associated with that account will automatically be backed up to the cloud.

That means if you lose your Switch or it gets damaged, as long as you have access to another Switch (or the Nintendo Switch Online app on your phone) and your login information, you’ll be able to retrieve all of your lost progress. Of course, this only works if you’re using a single Nintendo account on one Switch console. If you have multiple people playing games on the same console with different accounts, their save data will not be backed up together.

So if something happens to the console, everyone will lose their progress independently. In summary: yes, linking a Nintendo account to your Switch will allow you to backup and restore game saves in case something happens to your console. However, this only works for one player per console – if multiple people are using the same device, each person will need to back up their own progress separately.

Will Nintendo Eshop Games Transfer to Switch

Credit: arstechnica.com

Do Downloaded Switch Games Transfer to New Switch?

Yes, downloaded Switch games will transfer to a new Switch. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to re-download any DLC or updates for the games.

Second, if you have any save data stored on the console itself, it won’t transfer over to the new device. You’ll need to back up your saves beforehand if you want to keep them. Finally, because of how the Switch’s account system works, only one person can play a digital game at a time – so if you plan on sharing your games with someone else, they’ll need their own account and console.

Can I Transfer a Digital Game to a Different Nintendo Account?

It is not currently possible to transfer digital games from one Nintendo Account to another. If you have multiple Nintendo Accounts, you will need to purchase any digital games you want on each account individually. However, it may be possible to transfer some DLC content between accounts under certain circumstances.

For example, if you have purchased a piece of DLC on one account and then wish to use it on another account on the same console, it may be possible to do so by contacting Nintendo customer support.

How Do You Transfer Digital Games to a Switch?

Assuming you would like a step-by-step guide on how to transfer digital games to a switch: 1. On your Switch console, go to Settings. 2. Select System and then select Backup and Restore.

3. Select the backup method you would like to use. For this example we will use Local User Game Data Management > Copy Games for Backup. This will allow you to copy the game data from one Switch console to another as long as both Switches are connected to the same Nintendo account and the same internet connection.

If you have multiple Switch consoles, you can also use this method to move game data between them. 4. A list of all installed software will appear along with how much space it is taking up on your console’s internal storage or microSD card (if inserted). 5. Select the checkbox next to each piece of software you want to copy, then select Copy at the bottom of the screen.

. 6. That’s it!

Will I Lose Game Progress If I Get a New Switch?

No, you will not lose game progress if you get a new switch. Your game progress is stored on your Nintendo account, not on the console itself. So as long as you connect your Nintendo account to your new Switch, your game progress will carry over.


There are a lot of games on the Nintendo eShop that people would like to be able to transfer over to the Switch. However, it doesn’t seem like this is possible at the moment. The eShop games are tied to your Nintendo account and can only be played on the device that they were purchased on.

There is no way to transfer them to another device. This means that if you want to play your eShop games on the Switch, you’ll have to repurchase them. Hopefully in the future Nintendo will allow for some sort of game transfer so that people don’t have to keep buying multiple copies of the same game.

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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