Why was Game of Thrones Prequel Cancelled

It’s been almost a year since HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel was cancelled, and fans are still wondering why. The answer may be simple: it just wasn’t good enough. According to reports, the prequel pilot, which was set thousands of years before the events of Game of Thrones, didn’t meet HBO’s high standards.

“It wasn’t great,” one person with knowledge of the situation told Variety. “They expected it to be better.” HBO has not commented on the reasons for the cancellation, but it’s clear that the network is not interested in airing a subpar show.

After all, Game of Thrones was a global phenomenon, and anything less than that would have been a disappointment. So why did the prequel fail? It’s hard to say for sure, but there are some theories.

One possibility is that the script simply wasn’t up to par. Another is that the cast wasn’t strong enough. And then there’s also the possibility that HBO simply decided they didn’t want to move forward with a show set in such a dark and depressing time period.

Whatever the reason, fans will never know what could have been. But thankfully, we still have Game of Thrones itself to enjoy – even if it is coming to an end this year.

The cancellation of the Game of Thrones prequel is a huge disappointment to fans who were looking forward to seeing more of the world that George RR Martin created. There are many theories as to why HBO decided not to move forward with the project, but the most likely reason is that they simply weren’t happy with the pilot episode. It’s possible that they didn’t feel like it lived up to the high standards set by the original series, or maybe they just didn’t think it would be a successful show in general.

Whatever the case may be, it’s unfortunate that we won’t get to see this prequel come to life.

Game of Thrones Prequel Series: Cancelled – HBO's 35 Million Dollar Mistake! (Worse Than You Think)

Game of Thrones Prequel Cancelled 2022

The news is official: the Game of Thrones prequel series has been cancelled. The show, which was set to take place thousands of years before the events of Game of Thrones, was one of several possible spin-offs in development at HBO. But it seems that this particular project has not worked out.

According to Deadline, the prequel series was cancelled due to creative differences between the network and writer/producer Jane Goldman. Apparently, there were disagreements over the direction of the show. Some sources say that HBO wanted a more “traditional” fantasy series, while Goldman wanted to veer more into horror territory.

Whatever the case may be, it seems that Goldman and HBO could not come to an agreement on how to move forward with the project. This is certainly disappointing news for fans who were looking forward to another trip back into Westeros history. However, it’s worth noting that there are still other potential Game of Thrones spin-offs in development at HBO.

So there’s a chance we haven’t seen the last of George R.R Martin’s world just yet…

Why was Game of Thrones Prequel Cancelled

Credit: www.theringer.com

Why Did Hbo Cancel Game of Thrones Prequel?

HBO has not released an official statement about why they decided to cancel the Game of Thrones prequel. However, there are several theories as to why this may have been the case. One theory is that the prequel was simply too expensive to produce.

The show was set to film in Northern Ireland, and the budget was estimated to be around $10 million per episode. Given that HBO has already spent a large amount of money on producing the original Game of Thrones series, it is possible that they did not want to invest so much money into another project that may not have been as successful. Another theory is that HBO may have cancelled the prequel due to poor test results.

The pilot episode for the prequel was filmed last year, and it is possible that HBO executives were not happy with what they saw. In addition, it has been reported that some of the cast members were unhappy with their roles and were planning on leaving the show even before it aired. This could also be a factor in HBO’s decision to cancel the prequel.

Ultimately, we do not know for sure why HBO decided to cancel the Game of Thrones prequel. However, these are some of the most likely explanations for why this might have been the case.

Is House of Dragon Cancelled?

No, House of Dragon is not canceled. The series was renewed for a second season on December 10, 2020.

Why Did They Cancel Bloodmoon?

The HBO series Bloodmoon was cancelled after just one season. The show, which was set in the world of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire novels, had a troubled production from the start. The pilot episode was reportedly rewritten and reshot multiple times, and the show’s budget was said to be spiraling out of control.

HBO ultimately decided that Bloodmoon wasn’t worth the trouble, and pulled the plug on the series. It’s a shame that we’ll never get to see more of Bloodmoon, as it certainly had potential. But with Game of Thrones coming to an end next year, it seems like HBO is ready to move on from Westeros altogether.

Did Game of Thrones Prequel Get Canceled?

No, the Game of Thrones prequel has not been canceled. There have been reports that it might be delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic, but as of now, it is still in production.


It’s been a little over a year since HBO announced that it was working on a Game of Thrones prequel series, and now we know why the project was ultimately cancelled. In an interview with EW, HBO programming president Casey Bloys revealed that the pilot for the prequel, which was set thousands of years before the events of Game of Thrones, just didn’t quite come together the way they had hoped. Bloys said that after watching the pilot, they decided it wasn’t up to the high standards they set for themselves and decided not to move forward with it.

He also said that while it’s always hard to see something you’ve worked on for so long not come to fruition, everyone involved is proud of what they accomplished and are now focusing on other projects. So there you have it: The real reason behind why HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel series was ultimately cancelled.

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

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