Scary Games to Play With Your Friends at Sleepovers

There’s nothing quite like a scary game to get your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping. Whether you’re looking for a good scare or just some fun and laughs, these scary games are sure to do the trick. So round up your friends, grab some snacks, and get ready for a night of scares!

5 Frightening Sleepover Games

Are you looking for some scary games to play with your friends at sleepovers? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! Here are five chilling games that are sure to send a shiver down your spine:

1. The Midnight Game: This game is said to be centuries old and involves summoning a spirit known as the Midnight Man. To do this, you’ll need a candle, an empty room, and at least three players. Once everyone is in the room, one player lights the candle and starts a timer for exactly three minutes.

Everyone must then walk around the room until the timer runs out. Once it does, whoever is holding the candle must blow it out and say “The Midnight Man comes”. At this point, everyone must freeze in place and remain completely silent.

The player who lit the candle then leaves the room for exactly one minute before returning. The first person they see upon re-entering becomes The Midnight Man and must chase after everyone else in an attempt to catch them. If he catches someone, that person dies (in game).

The only way to win is by surviving until dawn – good luck! 2. Bloody Mary: This classic sleepover game requires nothing more than a dark bathroom and a few brave souls willing to summon Mary herself. To start, gather everyone in front of the bathroom mirror and turn off all the lights except for a single candles.

One player will then begin chanting “Bloody Mary” three times while staring into the mirror. It’s said that if done correctly, Mary will appear in the mirror behind whoever is chanting her name… but beware, she may not be alone… 3. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board: This spooky game requires at least five people – any less and it won’t work!

To begin, have everyone sit on the floor in a circle with their legs crossed Indian-style. One person will then start by saying “Light as feather, stiff as board” while lightly touching someone else’s forehead; this person will then repeat these words while touching someone else’s forehead (and so on). Once everyone has been touched by somebody reciting these words (usually three or four times), see if you can lift each other up using only your fingertips – no hands allowed! It’s said that if done correctly, everybody should be able to float into air… but if even one person can’t manage it, something very bad will happen…

Scary Games to Play With Friends at Home

Looking for some scary games to play with your friends at home? Here are a few ideas to get you started: 1. The Midnight Game – This game is said to be over 100 years old and originates from Eastern Europe.

To play, all you need is a candle, matches, and a piece of paper. Write your name on the paper and then fold it up. Put the paper under the candle and light the candle.

Set a timer for midnight and then start the game. The object of the game is to keep the flame from going out – if it does, something bad will happen to you (according to legend). 2. Bloody Mary – This classic game requires only a mirror and a dark room.

Simply turn off all the lights, light a candle, and stand in front of the mirror in an darkened room. Chant “Bloody Mary” three times while looking into the mirror. Legend has it that Mary Worth will appear in the mirror behind you…if she doesn’t like what she sees, she may kill you!

3. The Elevator Game – For this one, you’ll need at least two people (but more makes it more fun). One person goes into an elevator alone while everyone else waits outside. The goal is for the person inside to reach a specific floor without being caught by whatever entity is haunting the elevator (different versions of this story say different things about what exactly is haunting it).

If they make it to their floor safely, they can leave the elevator; if not, well…let’s just say things don’t end well for them. 4 . Ghost in the Graveyard – This childhood favorite can be played with as few as three people or as many as thirty (or more!).

One person is chosen to be “It” and goes off to hide while everyone else counts to 100 (or another agreed-upon number). Once “It” has had time to hide, everyone goes off looking for them while calling out “Ghost in graveyard! Ghost in graveyard! Where are you hiding? Come out come out wherever you are!” When someone finds “It” they call out “Found you!,” at which point everyone runs back towards base without getting caught by “It.” The first person back becomes “It” for next round!

Scary Games to Play With Your Friends at Sleepovers


What is a Scary Game to Play With Friends?

One of the most popular scary games to play with friends is called “The Exorcist.” In this game, one player is chosen to be the exorcist and the other players are demons. The object of the game is for the exorcist to drive all of the demons out of the house before morning.

There are a few different ways to play “The Exorcist.” One way is for the exorcist player to go throughout the house and try to drive out as many demons as possible. The other way is for each demon player to choose one room in the house to haunt.

The exorcist then has to go into each room and try to drive out that particular demon. “The Exorcist” can be a very suspenseful and scary game, especially if you’re playing it in a dark or haunted house. If you’re looking for a truly terrifying experience, however, you may want to try playing “The Blair Witch Project.”

This game is based on the horror movie of the same name, and it’s said to be one of the scariest games ever made.

What is the #1 Scariest Game?

The #1 scariest game would have to be Resident Evil 7. The reason being is because the game is set in a realistic environment and the enemies are very creepy and realistic looking. Also, the fact that you are mostly defenseless throughout the game makes it even more scary.

What are Some Scary Things to Do at a Sleepover?

A sleepover is a great time to have some fun and spend the night with friends, but there are also some things that can make it a bit scary. Here are some of the scariest things you can do at a sleepover: 1. Have a pillow fight in the dark – This is sure to get your heart racing and leave you feeling scared!

2. Play truth or dare – This classic game can be made even scarier by adding in some dares that involve going outside or into another room alone. 3. Tell ghost stories – Nothing will send chills down your spine like a good ghost story! Be sure to have one that’s really creepy ready to tell at your sleepover.

4. Watch a scary movie – If you’re looking for something guaranteed to scare you, then watching a horror film is the way to go. Just make sure everyone is prepared for it beforehand so nobody ends up too scared! 5. Go on a midnight scavenger hunt – This is another activity that’s perfect for getting everyone’s adrenaline pumping.

Just be sure to hide any potentially dangerous objects before sending everyone off on the hunt!

What is the Scariest Horror Game for Kids?

The scariest horror game for kids is definitely Five Nights at Freddy’s. This game is so creepy and atmospheric, and the animatronics are just downright scary. Even though it’s not explicitly a “horror” game, it definitely has some horror elements that will make kids scared.

So if you’re looking for a horror game that will scare the pants off of your kids, this is the one you want!


Scary Games to Play With Your Friends at Sleepovers No sleepover is complete without a few rounds of scary games! If you and your friends are looking for some spooky fun, check out these frightful games to play at your next sleepover.

1. Bloody Mary: This classic game is sure to give everyone a good scare. To play, all you need is a dark room and a mirror. Once everyone has gathered around the mirror, one person starts by saying “Bloody Mary” three times while staring into the reflection.

Supposedly, Mary will appear in the mirror if you do this correctly…but be warned, she may not be too happy to see you! 2. The Haunting: This game requires at least two players and an area that can be darkened (a closet or bathroom works well). One player is chosen to be the ghost, and the other players are investigators trying to communicate with the ghost.

The ghost leaves the room while the investigators decide on a Yes/No question they want answered. Once the investigators are ready, they call for the ghost to come back into the room. The ghost then tries to answer their question using various sounds and gestures.

The investigators have to try and guess what the answer is based on these clues. 3 . Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board: This creepy game is said to be real witchcraft!

To play, have all participants sit in a circle cross-legged on the floor. Place your hand underneath someone’s opposite shoulder and say “light as a feather” three times while lifting them slightly off the ground with each repetition (their body should remain stiff like a board). It’s said that if done correctly, only your fingers should be touching their body…and they should feel incredibly light!

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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