Scary Games to Play With Friends in Rl

There are many scary games to play with friends in real life. Some of these games are inspired by horror movies, while others are original creations. In any case, these games will definitely get your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping.

Here are some of the most popular scary games to play with friends.

There’s nothing quite like a good scare to get the adrenaline flowing, and what better way to get your heart pumping than by playing some scary games with friends? If you’re looking for some spine-tingling fun, check out these five scary games to play with friends in real life. 1. Ghost in the Graveyard: This classic game is perfect for a group of four or more people.

One person is designated as the ghost, while the others are tasked with finding a hidden object within a specified area. The catch? The ghost can only move when no one is looking at them.

So keep your eyes peeled and try not to get too scared! 2. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board: This creepy game requires at least five participants. Everyone sits in a circle and places their hands on the person next to them.

The person who is “it” then recites the incantation, “light as a feather, stiff as a board.” As they say this, everyone focuses their energy on making the person next to them float off the ground using only their fingertips . Try not to freak out when it actually happens!

3. Bloody Mary: This game is best played at night in front of a mirror in a dark room . To start, all you need is someone brave enough to say the name “Bloody Mary” three times while looking into the mirror . Supposedly , if you do this correctly , Bloody Mary will appear behind you in the mirror .

We don’t recommend trying this one alone though… 4. The Midnight Game: This spooky game is said to be over 100 years old and originates from Eastern Europe . To play , all you need are candles , matches , salt , paper , and pen .

Once everyone has gathered around midnight , one player starts by writing their name on a piece of paper and folding it up . They then place the paper under one of three candles and light it on fire using a match . While letting their name burn away , they recite an incantation : “I invoke thee, O ancient shades spirits of night come forward now All those who would harm (person’s name) Appear before me now!” After finishing this chant, extinguish candle using salt water that was placed in bowl earlier .

Scary Games to Play With Friends in Rl


What is a Scary Game to Play With Friends?

There are many scary games to play with friends, but some are more popular than others. One of the most popular is the game “Slenderman”. In this game, players must try to avoid being caught by the Slenderman, a faceless creature who stalks them in the dark.

Other popular scary games include “Amnesia: The Dark Descent”, “Outlast” and “Alien: Isolation”. These games all have one thing in common – they are designed to scare and terrify those who play them. If you’re looking for a good scare, then these are some of the best games to play with your friends.

Is There Any 2 Player Horror Games?

There are a few horror games that can be played with two players. One example is the game “Until Dawn”, in which players take control of different characters in order to survive until dawn. Another example is “Alien: Isolation”, where one player controls the protagonist and the other player controls the deadly Alien.

There are also some cooperative horror games, such as “Dead by Daylight”, where players work together to escape from a killer.

What is the Scariest Horror Game for Kids?

There is no definitive answer to this question as what may be considered the scariest horror game for kids will vary from individual to individual. However, there are a number of horror games that have been specifically designed for younger audiences which could be considered as being potentially scary for kids. Some examples of these include the games “Slender: The Eight Pages” and “Amnesia: The Dark Descent”.

Both of these titles feature eerie atmospheres and jumpscare moments which could easily startle and frighten young players.

What is the Scariest Horror Game to Play?

The scariest horror game to play is definitely Resident Evil 7. The entire game is incredibly atmospheric and the graphics are so realistic that it’s easy to get lost in the world of the game. Not to mention, the Baker family are some of the most horrifying enemies you’ll ever encounter.

If you’re looking for a truly frightening experience, then Resident Evil 7 is definitely the game for you.

Top 10 Cursed Paranormal Games You Should Never Play

Scary Games to Play With Friends at Sleepovers

What are the best scary games to play with friends at sleepovers? Here are some ideas to get you started: 1. Truth or Dare: This classic game is always a good choice for a scary night with friends.

Be sure to come up with some good, spooky dares beforehand! 2. The Haunted House: One person is the ghost and the others are trying to make it through the haunted house. The ghost can only communicate by making spooky noises, so this one is sure to get everyone screaming!

3. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board: This creepy game requires at least five people. Two people lie down on their backs side by side and the other players gather around them and place their hands lightly on each person’s body. The object of the game is to lift both people into the air using only your fingertips while saying, “light as a feather, stiff as a board.”

Try not to drop anyone…or else! 4. Bloody Mary: Everyone knows the rules of this classic game- all you need is a dark bathroom and a brave friend (or two). Turn off all the lights, light some candles, and see who can last longest looking into the mirror chanting Bloody Mary three times…if you dare!

5. Campfire Stories: Gather around the campfire (or even just a candle if you’re indoors) and take turns telling scary stories. The key to making this game work is setting the mood- so be sure to keep things dark and suspenseful!


It’s no secret that many people enjoy playing scary games with their friends. Whether it’s something like hide-and-seek in the dark or an intense game of tag, there’s just something about being scared together that brings people closer. But what if you want to take things to the next level and actually play a horror game in real life?

Well, there are plenty of ways to do that. You could go out into the woods at night and try to find a haunted house, or you could visit some of the most notoriously haunted places in your area. But if you really want to get your friends screaming, then you’ll need to check out some of these scary games to play with friends in real life!

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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