Scary Games to Play With Friends at Sleepovers

Sleepovers are a time-honored tradition among kids and teens. They’re a chance to stay up late, eat junk food, and play games. But what if you want to add a little bit of excitement to your sleepover?

What if you want to make it truly memorable? Here are some scary games to play with friends at sleepovers. Just make sure you don’t scare yourself too much!

There’s nothing quite like a good scare to get your adrenaline pumping. And what better way to enjoy a scare than with some friends? If you’re looking for some scary games to play at your next sleepover, we’ve got just the list for you.

1. Bloody Mary This classic game is sure to send chills down your spine. All you need is a dark room and a mirror.

Turn off all the lights, light a candle, and then gather around the mirror. Chant “Bloody Mary” three times while staring into the mirror. Legend has it that if you do this, Bloody Mary herself will appear in the mirror and kill you.

So be careful! 2. The Coffin Game This game is not for the faint of heart.

You’ll need at least four people to play, but the more people you have, the scarier it will be. One person lies down in a coffin (or any box or small space that simulates one) and pretends to be dead while everyone else gathers around them outside of the coffin. The object of the game is for someone to stay in the coffin with the “dead” person for as long as possible without getting scared and leaving.

As you can imagine, things can get pretty intense pretty quickly! 3 .Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board

This creepy game requires at least five people, but again, the more people you have playing, the scarier it will be. Have everyone sit in a circle and choose one person to be “it.” That person then lays down in the center of the circle while everyone else gathers around them and places two fingers underneath their body . Everyone then chants,”light as a feather ,stiff as board” three times while trying to levitatethe person offthe ground using only their two fingers . As with “The Coffin Game,” things canget pretty intensepretty quickly so make sure everyone is comfortable before starting .

Scary Games to Play With Friends at Sleepovers


What is the #1 Scariest Game?

There are a lot of scary games out there, but the one that is considered to be the scariest is called “Silent Hill”. This game is so scary because it uses a lot of psychological elements to make the player feel scared. For example, the game uses fog to make it hard for the player to see what is going on around them.

This makes it easy for things to jump out and scare the player. Another element that makes this game scary is the sound design. The sounds in the game are very eerie and can really set the mood for fear.

Finally, the enemies in the game are some of the most horrifying creatures imaginable. They are often deformed and have disturbing features that will send chills down your spine. If you’re looking for a truly terrifying gaming experience, then Silent Hill is definitely the game for you.

What is the Scariest Horror Game for Kids?

There is no one definitive answer to this question as different children will have different reactions to different horror games. Some of the more popular horror games that have been released in recent years, such as “Resident Evil 7” and “Outlast 2”, may be too intense for younger children. Other titles, like “Friday the 13th: The Game” or “Dead by Daylight”, while still scary, may be more appropriate for kids who are interested in horror.

Ultimately, it is up to the parent or guardian to decide what is best for their child.

What Scary Games Can We Play at Home?

There are a number of scary games that can be played at home, some of which are more popular than others. One such game is the ‘Slenderman’ game, which is based on the Creepypasta character of the same name. The aim of the game is to collect eight pages while avoiding contact with the Slenderman, who will ultimately kill the player if they are caught.

Another popular scary game is ‘Amnesia: The Dark Descent’, in which players must navigate through a series of dark and foreboding environments while avoiding creatures known as ‘Gatherers’. Both of these games can be extremely suspenseful and frightening, so make sure you play them with caution!

What is the Scariest Game Ever to Exist?

The scariest game ever to exist is called “Siren: Blood Curse”. It is a survival horror video game that was released in 2008. The game takes place on an island off the coast of Japan, where a group of American students have come to investigate a series of grisly murders.

Soon after arriving, they find themselves trapped in a nightmare world where dark forces are at work. The player must use stealth and cunning to survive as they unravel the mysteries of the island. Siren: Blood Curse is considered one of the most atmospheric and unsettling games ever made, and it will certainly leave you feeling scared long after you finish playing.

5 Frightening Sleepover Games

Scary Games to Play With Friends at Home

Do you like getting scared? Do you like staying up late and telling scary stories with your friends? If so, then you’ll love these five scary games to play with your friends at home!

1. The Midnight Game: This game is perfect for those who want to get a good scare from their friends. To play, all you need are some candles and matches. Once everyone has gathered in a room, one person will light the candles and set them in the middle of the room.

Then, everyone must sit in a circle around the candles. The person who lit the candles will then start a timer for 30 seconds and everyone must close their eyes and concentrate on keeping themselves calm. Once the timer goes off, everyone opens their eyes and whoever is deemed to have been the most successful at remaining calm gets to choose the next person to start the game.

If someone laughs or screams during the game, they lose! 2. Two Truths And A Lie: This classic party game is perfect for those who want to test their friends’ ability to discern fact from fiction. To play, each person takes turns telling three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one of which is a lie.

After each player has had a turn, everyone else tries to guess which statement was the lie. This game is sure to create some laughter as well as some suspenseful moments as players try to figure out which of their friend’s statements are true! 3. Light As A Feather: This spooky game requires at least five people to play but can be played with more if desired.

To begin, one player lies down on their back in the middle of the room while all other players gather around them. Everyone then places two fingers under the body (light as a feather) and lifts simultaneously while chanting “light as a feather.” As long as everyone continues chanting and lifting together,the body will remain suspended in air however if anyone breaks concentration or stops chanting ,the body will fall suddenly .

Players can take turns being “the body” but beware… this game has been known to cause sudden death ! 4.$25,000: For this game ,all you need is pen and paper for each player . Each player writes down a number between 1-10 without showing anyone else their number .


As kids, we loved gathering around and telling scary stories with our friends at sleepovers. Now that we’re grown-ups, we can still enjoy a good scare by playing some scary games! Here are some great ideas for scary games to play with your friends at your next sleepover:

1. Ghost in the Graveyard: This classic game is sure to get your heart racing! One player is designated as the ghost, while the others try to sneak up on the ghost and tag them. If the ghost is successful in tagging someone, that player becomes the new ghost!

2. Bloody Mary: A tried and true favorite, this game requires a dark room, a mirror, and a brave friend. Turn off all the lights, light a candle, and gather around the mirror. Once everyone has had a chance to look into it, extinguish the candle and say “Bloody Mary” three times.

Legend has it that Mary will appear in the mirror…but who knows what else might show up! 3. The Telephone Game: This game is guaranteed to create some laughs – but be warned, it can also get pretty creepy! One person starts by whispering a phrase or sentence into the ear of the player next to them.

That player then whispers what they heard to the next person, and so on down the line. By the time it gets back to the first player, chances are good that what was originally said will have been twisted beyond recognition! 4. Light as a Feather: This spooky game requires at least five players – although more can join in if you’d like.

Have everyone sit in a circle and place their hand palm-up on top of another person’s hand (so there are two hands palm-up side by side). Someone starts by saying “light as a feather” while carefully placing their other hand under both palms (so now there are four hands palm-up). The next person does likewise while saying “stiff as a board”.

Continue until everyone has placed their hand under both palms – then see if you can lift all of Hands without anyone breaking form!

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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