Paranormal Games to Play With Friends at Sleepovers

Do you want to add a little excitement to your next sleepover? Why not try out some paranormal games with your friends? These games are sure to get everyone’s adrenaline pumping and have everyone talking about the experience for days afterwards.

Here are a few of our favourites: 1. The Midnight Game: This game is said to be centuries old and has been played all over the world. All you need is a candle, matches and some courage.

Once everyone has gathered around the candle, it is lit and placed in the centre of the room. The person who lit the candle then starts chanting, “The Midnight Game, The Midnight Game, we play for fun, we play for fear, tonight it begins, at midnight clear.” Everyone else joins in with the chanting until midnight arrives.

At this point, anyone who wants to can leave the room. However, those who stay must keep their eyes on the flame at all times – if they blink or look away they will incur a punishment decided by the group (usually something like having to tell a scary story). Once morning arrives and everyone is still alive, the game is over!

Do you and your friends like staying up late and telling spooky stories? If so, why not amp up the fun by playing some paranormal games? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. The Ouija Board. This classic game is sure to send a shiver down your spine. Just be sure to follow the rules – or you may end up summoning something you don’t want to deal with!

2. Bloody Mary. Head to a dark bathroom with a friend and say “Bloody Mary” three times while looking in the mirror. Will the ghastly figure of Mary herself appear?

3. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board. See if you can levitate your friend using only the power of your mind! This one takes concentration and patience, but it’s definitely worth trying (just make sure there’s nothing sharp nearby in case things go wrong).

4. The Midnight Game. This one is best played at midnight, obviously. All you need is a candle and a piece of paper with everyone’s names on it.Light the candle and let it burn for awhile, then extinguish it and put it out in the middle of the room .

Go around the circle and have each person stab the paper with their finger . Whoever gets pricked by blood must leave the room . Once everyone has had their turn , relightthe candle .

The last person left in wins ! But beware…something sinister may be waiting for you in the dark… 5. Ghost Hunting 101. Grab some flashlights and go exploring!

5 Frightening Sleepover Games

Scary Games to Play at a Sleepover for 2

Are you looking for a few scary games to play at your next sleepover? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. The Telephone Game – This classic game is sure to send a chill up your spine! Have everyone sit in a circle and whisper a scary story or message to the person next to them. The last person in the circle then has to repeat the story aloud, and so on until it gets back to the first person.

You’ll be surprised at how different the story is by the time it gets back around! 2. Bloody Mary – This game is best played in a dark bathroom with the lights turned off. All you need is a mirror and some candles.

Light the candles and say “Bloody Mary” three times while staring into the mirror. Legend has it that Mary will appear in the mirror if you do this…but beware, she may not be too happy about being disturbed! 3. The Ouija Board – A classic game that never fails to scare, the Ouija board can be used to contact spirits from beyond the grave.

Be sure to use caution when playing this game, as things can sometimes get out of hand quickly! 4. Ghost in the Graveyard – This is a great game to play outdoors at night (just make sure you have permission from any adults who are around). One player is chosen to be “it” and goes off into hiding while everyone else counts to 100.

Once “it” has been hidden, everyone goes looking for him or her. When someone finds “it”, they must yell “ghost in the graveyard!” and all players must run back to base without getting caught by “it”. The first person back safely wins!

5. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board – This spooky game requires at least five people, but more can join in if desired. Everyone sits down cross-legged on the ground and places their hands palm-up on their laps. One person starts by saying “light as a feather” while gently placing two fingers on another player’s hand; this continues until everyone has placed two fingers on someone else’s hand (do not let go!). Once everyone is connected, one person says “stiff as a board” and everyone triesto lift their hands off of each other’s without breaking connection – good luck!

Paranormal Games to Play With Friends at Sleepovers


What is a Scary Game to Play With Friends?

While there are many different types of scary games to play with friends, one that stands out is the game “Hide and Seek.” This game can be played in a dark room or outside at night, and it requires players to hide from each other while one person seeks them out. The suspense of not knowing where your friends are hiding can be quite unnerving, making this game an excellent choice for those looking for a thrill.

What are Some Scary Things to Do at a Sleepover?

A sleepover is a great opportunity to have some fun and bond with your friends. But if you’re looking for a little bit of excitement, here are some scary things you can do at your next sleepover. 1. Tell ghost stories.

This is a classic sleepover activity for a reason – it’s just plain fun to get scared together. Make sure to choose a story that’s appropriate for everyone in the group. 2. Watch a horror movie.

If you’re all fans of horror movies, this is the perfect activity for a scary sleepover. Choose a movie that everyone will be able to handle – nobody wants to be too scared to sleep! 3. Go on a ghost hunt.

This one takes some planning ahead, but it can be really fun (and spine-tingling) to explore haunted locations near you with your friends. Just make sure not to go too far off the beaten path – safety first! 4. Hold a séance.

Want to commune with the dead? A séance is the perfect activity for curious (and brave!) minds. All you need are some candles, some salt, and maybe a Ouija board if you’re feeling extra daring.

What is the #1 Scariest Game?

The #1 scariest game according to many people is the horror game “Silent Hill 2”. The game is set in the town of Silent Hill, which is a place where horrific monsters and other ghastly beings wander. The player controls James Sunderland, who has come to Silent Hill after receiving a letter from his dead wife.

As James explores the town, he gradually descends into madness as he confronts his own dark secrets. “Silent Hill 2” is renowned for its atmosphere of unease and terror, which is created by its eerie setting, disturbing creatures, and unsettling music. The game also features some very effective jump scares.

If you’re looking for a truly scary gaming experience, then “Silent Hill 2” is definitely worth checking out.

What Scary Games Can We Play at Home?

There are plenty of scary games that can be played at home, either alone or with friends. Here are some examples: 1. The Exorcist: This game is based on the classic horror movie of the same name.

Players must work together to rid a house of a demonic entity. It is sure to send chills down your spine! 2. Betrayal at House on the Hill: This board game is perfect for those who enjoy a good scare.

It takes place in a haunted house, and players must deal with ghosts, monsters, and other deadly creatures. Be prepared for a suspenseful and thrilling experience! 3. Dead by Daylight: This popular survival horror game pits you against ruthless killers in a race to escape death.

With its intense gameplay and jump scares, it is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat!


If you and your friends are looking for something fun and different to do at your next sleepover, why not try out some paranormal games? Here are a few ideas to get you started: 1. Ouija Board – This classic game is sure to send a chill up your spine.

Just be sure to use it safely and responsibly. 2. Ghost Hunting – Grab some flashlights and go exploring in the dark for ghosts! You can even set up cameras and see if you capture anything on film.

3. seance – Try contacting the other side with a seance. Just be sure to have someone experienced leading it, as things can sometimes get out of hand. 4. Tarot Cards – Take turns reading each other’s fortunes with tarot cards.

This can be a lot of fun, especially if you take it seriously and really try to interpret the meanings of the cards. 5. Automatic Writing – See what messages from beyond you can receive by using automatic writing techniques. Again, just be safe about it and don’t let anyone else touch your pen or paper while you’re doing it.

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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