How to Eject Games on Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch is a popular console for gamers of all ages. One of the great things about the Switch is that you can take your games with you on the go. However, there may come a time when you need to eject a game from the console.

  • Open the Nintendo Switch home menu
  • This can be done by pressing the Home button on your console
  • Scroll to the game you want to eject and press A
  • Select “Eject” from the options that appear and press A again
  • The game should now be ejected from your console!

How to properly insert and remove game cards from Nintendo Switch

How Do I Close a Game before Removing a Switch?

It’s actually pretty easy to close a game before removing a switch. Just hit the home button on your controller and then select “Close” from the menu.

How Do You Save And Exit a Game on Nintendo Switch?

Assuming you would like tips on how to save and exit games on the Nintendo Switch: The first thing you should do is check if the game has an auto-save feature. Many newer games will automatically save your progress as you play.

To see if a game has this feature, check the information in the “eShop” before purchasing or downloading the game. If there is no auto-save feature, you can manually save your progress by following these steps: 1. Open up the “System Settings” from the Home Menu.

2. Scroll down and select “Data Management.” 3. Choose “Save Data/Screenshots.” You will see two options for saving data: “Internal Storage” and “game card.”

Internal storage is theSwitch’s built-in memory; any digital games or screenshots you take will be saved here by default. Game cards are physical cartridges that store data for specific Switch titles. 4. Select which type of data you’d like to manage: Screenshots taken in-game (captured via the Capture button) are considered save data, as are downloaded software updates for Switch games (which are usually applied automatically).

For this example, let’s say we want to delete some unused screenshot files to clear up space on our system’s internal storage. 5a. If managing Internal Storage, select “Manage Software” > “Save Data/Screenshots” > “Nintendo Album” > “Cloud Saves” (if applicable) to view all of your stored screenshots in one place; 5b.

. If managing Game Cards, insert the cartridge into your Switch console slot and then return to System Settings > Data Management > Save Data/Screenshots > [Game Card] 6a..

For Internal Storage only – next to each piece of content (screenshot file, update file), there will be an icon representing what type of file it is (.jpg = image file,.zip = update file). There may also be a little key icon; this means that the content is encrypted and can only be used with that specific software title 6b.. For Game Cards only – next to each piece of content (saved game data), there will be an icon representing what type of file it is (.sav = saved game data). There may also be a little key icon; this means that the content is encrypted and can only be used with that specific software title 7..

How Do You Remove Things from a Nintendo Switch?

Assuming you would like to know how to delete data or games from your Nintendo Switch, here are a few easy steps: -To remove an application or game from your Nintendo Switch, simply select the icon for that software on the Home Menu. -With the software highlighted, press and hold down the A Button on your controller.

Doing so will bring up a menu with several options. -One of these options will be “Delete”. Highlight this option and press the A Button again to confirm that you wish to delete the selected software.

-The game or application will now be deleted from your system.

How to Eject Games on Nintendo Switch


How to Open Game Card Slot Switch Oled

If your Nintendo Switch is having trouble reading game cards, there’s a chance that the Game Card Slot Switch Oled may be turned off. This switch is located on the top of the Switch, next to the game card slot. If it’s turned off, your Switch won’t be able to read game cards.

To turn on the Game Card Slot Switch Oled, insert a paperclip or other small object into the hole next to the switch and slide it to the left. You should see a red light come on inside the hole. Once the light is on, try inserting a game card into your Switch again.

If it still doesn’t work, you may need to take your Switch to a repair shop.


The Nintendo Switch is a great console for gamers who want to play their favorite games on the go. However, there are times when you may need to eject a game from the system. Here’s how to do it:

1. Press and hold the POWER Button for three seconds. This will bring up the Power Menu. 2. Select “Power Options.”

3. Select “Eject Game.” 4. Select the game you wish to eject and press the A Button.

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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