Horror Games to Play With Friends in Real Life

What’s more fun than a good scare? If you’re looking for a horror game to play with your friends, there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are a few of our favorites.

In “Slender: The Eight Pages,” players must collect eight pages while avoiding the Slender Man, a creepy creature that stalks them through the woods. This game is best played with headphones on in the dark for maximum suspense. “Outlast” puts players in the shoes of an investigative journalist who has to find out what happened at an abandoned asylum.

With its gory visuals and jump scares, this one is not for the faint of heart. If you’re looking for something a little less intense, “Phasmophobia” tasks players with hunting ghosts in haunted locations. This game can be played cooperatively or competitively, depending on how you want to approach it.

Do you love being scared? Do you enjoy feeling like you’re in a horror movie? If so, then you’ll definitely want to check out these horror games to play with friends in real life!

1. Slenderman: This game is all about avoiding the Slenderman, a creepy creature who is said to stalk and abduct people. Can you and your friends make it through the night without encountering him? 2. The Purge: In this game, based on the popular movie franchise, players must survive for 12 hours while murderous gangs roam the streets looking for victims.

It’s up to you to protect yourself and your friends from becoming victims yourselves! 3. Silent Hill: This classic horror game puts players in the shoes of characters who are trapped in the town of Silent Hill. With its eerie atmosphere and terrifying monsters, it’s sure to send chills down your spine!

4. Alien: Isolation: In this survival horror game, players must hide from a deadly alien that is stalking them through a space station. With its intense gameplay and jump scares, it’s sure to keep you on edge! 5. Dead by Daylight: This asymmetrical multiplayer horror game pits four survivors against one killer in a battle for survival.

With its suspenseful gameplay and gruesome kills, it’s sure to get your heart racing!

Scary Games to Play in Real Life 2 Player

Do you love feeling scared? Do you love games that make your heart race? If so, then you’ll love these scary games to play in real life 2 player mode!

1. The Haunting: This game is perfect for two players who love a good scare. One player is the ghost and the other is the human. The objective of the game is for the ghost to haunt the human and make them scream!

2. Bloody Mary: This classic game can be played with two players as well. One player recites the Bloody Mary legend while the other player tries not to blink or look away. Whoever blinks or looks away first loses!

3. Hide and Seek in the Dark: This game is perfect for those who are scared of the dark! One player hides while the other seeks. The seeker has to find the hider within a certain time limit without turning on any lights!

4. Dare Base: This game requires a bit of creativity and imagination from both players. One player comes up with a dare for the other player to do, and if they complete it, they earn a point! Dares can be anything from telling a spooky story to going into a haunted house.

5. Truth or Scare: In this game, both players take turns asking each other questions that must be answered truthfully. If they refuse to answer or lie, they get scared by something predetermined by the other player!

Horror Games to Play With Friends in Real Life

Credit: thoughtcatalog.com

How Do I Play Horror Games With Friends in Real Life

Horror games are a great way to get your friends together for a night of scares. But how do you go about playing horror games with friends in real life? Here are a few tips to help you make the most out of your next horror game night:

1. Choose the right game. Not all horror games are created equal. Some are more action-packed while others rely more on suspense and scares.

figure out what kind of experience you and your friends want to have before choosing a game. 2. Set the mood. Create an atmosphere that is conducive to scares.

This means dimming the lights, turning off any music or background noise, and making sure everyone is comfortable with being scared before starting the game. 3. Play it safe. Don’t push anyone too far outside of their comfort zone when playing horror games.

If someone is uncomfortable or not enjoying themselves, let them take a break or stop playing altogether. There’s no shame in taking a break from the scares! 4 .

Use props wisely . Props can add another level of immersion to your game night, but they can also be overdone . Use them sparingly and only if they enhance the experience for everyone involved .

Otherwise , they’ll just end up being distractions . 5 . Have fun ! Ultimately , the most important thing is that everyone has a good time . So don ‘t take things too seriously and enjoy yourselves !

5 Frightening Sleepover Games



There are many horror games to play with friends in real life. Some of these games are hide and seek, tag, light as a feather stiff as a board, blood on the carpet, and more. Each game has its own set of rules and instructions on how to play.

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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