Best Vr Games to Play With Friends Reddit

There are a lot of great VR games out there, but not all of them are meant to be played with friends. Here are the best VR games to play with friends according to Reddit. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a great game for two or more people.

One person is the “defuser” and has to defuse a bomb, while the other players are the “experts” who have to talk them through it. It’s a great way to test your communication skills and see how well you work under pressure. Job Simulator is another fun game that’s perfect for playing with friends.

In this game, you take on the role of different jobs like office worker, chef, or store clerk. It’s a hilarious way to spend some time with friends while also getting a little bit of virtual reality experience.


With the release of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, virtual reality is finally becoming a reality for gamers. But what are the best VR games to play with friends? Reddit user “shivamBAR” has put together a list of the best multiplayer VR games, based on votes from the /r/oculus and /r/vive subreddits.

Here are the top 10: 1. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes – A cooperative game where one player defuses a bomb while the other players give them instructions. Supports Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

2. Raw Data – A first-person shooter that supports up to four players in co-op or competitive modes. Supports Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. 3. Chronos – An action RPG that can be played cooperatively with up to three other players.

Supports Oculus Rift only. 4. The Lab – A collection of minigames from Valve that can be played alone or with friends. Supports HTC Vive only.

Best Co-Op Vr Games 2022 Reddit

The best co-op VR games for 2022 are still up in the air, but there are a few contenders that have already caught our eye. Here are the five best co-op VR games we’re keeping an eye on for next year. 5. The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners

This title from Skydance Interactive and Skybound Games puts you in the shoes of a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. With cooperative multiplayer for up to four players, you’ll have to work together to scavenge supplies, craft weapons, and most importantly, stay alive. The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is set to release in early 2020 on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR.

4. After the Fall After the Fall is a cooperative first-person shooter set in post-apocalyptic Los Angeles. You’ll team up with three other players online to fight off hordes of enemies that range from zombies to giant spiders.

This title is being developed by Vertigo Games, who also created Arizona Sunshine. No release date has been announced yet, but After the Fall is expected to launch on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive sometime in 2020. 3. Population: One

Population: One is a Battle Royale game with a twist – it takes place entirely in VR. That means you’ll be able to see your opponents as actual people (albeit avatars) and not just dots on a map. Up to 24 players can drop into this game’s massive map simultaneously and battle it out until only one person (or team) is left standing.

Population: One is currently in Early Access on SteamVR and Oculus Rift with plans for a full release sometime in 2020. 2 . Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond

Respawn Entertainment – the studio behind Apex Legends – is reviving the Medal of Honor franchise with this new VR entry set during World War II . In addition to its campaign mode , which can be played cooperatively with another player , Above and Beyond will feature competitive multiplayer modes as well . It’s due out holiday 2020 exclusively on PC via Oculus Rift . 1 Half – Life : Alyx Half – Life : Alyx rounds out our list of most anticipated cooperative VR games for 2020 / 2021 . This long -awaited sequel from Valve Software finally gives us a chance to step back into Gordon Freeman’s shoes – or rather , his iconic HEV suit .

Best Vr Games to Play With Friends Reddit


What is the Best Vr Game to Play With Friends?

There are a lot of great VR games to play with friends, but it really depends on what you and your friends are into. Some popular multiplayer VR games include Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Job Simulator, Superhot VR, and Raw Data. If you’re looking for a more active game to play with friends, consider Beat Saber or Sports Bar VR.

And if you want to solve puzzles together, check out The Room VR: A Dark Matter or I Expect You To Die. Really, there are tons of great options out there, so it all comes down to finding the right one for you and your friends.

What is the #1 Vr Game?

The top VR game depends on who you ask, but there are a few contenders. For some people, it’s Superhot VR, an action-packed FPS where time only moves when you do. For others, it’s Beat Saber, a rhythm game where you slash through beats with lightsaber-like swords.

And for others still, it might be something like Moss or Skyrim VR, two very different but both incredibly immersive RPGs. So what is the #1 VR game? That’s tough to say definitively.

But whichever one you choose, you’re sure to have an incredible experience that’ll make you feel like you’re right inside the game world.

What Vr Games Have Multiplayer?

There are a few different multiplayer VR games available on the market. One of the most popular is “Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.” In this game, one player is in a virtual reality headset while the other players are looking at a bomb defusal manual.

The player in VR must describe what they see to the other players, who then must give instructions on how to defuse it. This game is available on HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and PlayStation VR. Another popular multiplayer VR game is “EVE: Valkyrie.”

This space combat game puts players in the cockpit of a starfighter and has them battle it out in zero gravity. The game features beautiful graphics and tight controls, making it one of the more immersive VR experiences available. EVE: Valkyrie is available on Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR.

“Job Simulator” is another fun option for those looking for a multiplayer VR experience. In this game, up to four players can enter a virtual world where they must complete various tasks, such as being a chef or office worker. The catch is that everything is controlled by voice commands, so players have to yell out things like “staple this!” or “I need more coffee!” in order to progress.

Job Simulator is available on HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and PlayStation VR.

Can You Play With Friends on Vr?

Yes, you can play with friends on VR. There are a few different ways to do this, depending on the VR platform you’re using. For example, on Oculus Rift, you can use the Oculus Party app to invite friends to join you in a virtual party space.

You can also use apps like Bigscreen or AltspaceVR to socialize and play games with friends in VR.


There are a few different ways to play VR games with friends, but the best way is through a gaming PC. You can connect your PC to a TV and use the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to play VR games together. You can also use the PlayStation 4 to play some VR games with friends.

The PS4 has a few great VR games, like Farpoint and EVE: Valkyrie. If you want to get the most out of your VR experience, though, you should consider playing on a PC.

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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