App Games to Play With Friends Drinking

Once upon a time, people only played games with friends if they were in the same room. But now there are plenty of app games to play with friends drinking, no matter where they are. Here are some of the best ones to liven up any party.

If you and your friends enjoy competitive games, then try out Words With Friends. It’s like Scrabble, but you can play it online with anyone in the world. There are also tons of other word games out there that you can play together, like Word Feud and Hanging With Friends.

For something a little more light-hearted, try Draw Something. It’s basically Pictionary on your phone, and it’s a lot of fun to see how bad everyone is at drawing when they’re drunk. You can also take turns taking hilarious selfies and trying to caption them properly in apps like Caption This! or Drunken Balloons.

There’s nothing quite like playing a game with friends while enjoying a few drinks. And luckily, there are tons of great app games out there that are perfect for this scenario! Here are some of our favorites:

1. Heads Up!: This hilarious game is great for large groups and gets everyone involved. Simply hold the phone up to your forehead, and your friends have to guess the word or phrase you’re trying to convey.

Hilarity ensues! 2. Quiplash: This clever game pits players against each other to come up with the funniest answer to prompts like “Something you’d be surprised to see a donkey do” or “A made-up holiday celebration.” It’s sure to get everyone laughing (and drinking)!

3. Words With Friends: A classic game that’s perfect for playing with friends over drinks. Take turns coming up with words using the provided letter tiles, and rack up points for each one. Just watch out for those pesky two-letter words…

4. 8 Ball Pool: A pool/billiards game that can be played with anyone in the world, 8 Ball Pool is perfect for when you want a friendly competition going while you drink. Sink as many balls as possible before your opponent does!

Drinking Games to Play with Your Friends

What are Fun Drinking Games?

A lot of people think that drinking games are only for college students or young adults, but that’s not true! There are plenty of drinking games that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Here are a few examples:

1. Beer pong: This classic game is perfect for groups of friends. All you need is a ping pong table, some cups, and beer. Arrange the cups in a triangle at either end of the table, and then take turns trying to bounce a ping pong ball into the other team’s cups.

If you make it in, they have to drink the beer! The first team to finish all their beers wins. 2. Flip cup: Another great game for large groups, flip cup can be played with teams or individuals.

Set up rows of plastic Solo cups filled with beer on either side of a long table. Players start by chugging their beer, then flipping the empty cup upside down on the edge of the table and using two fingers to try and make it land upright again. As soon as one player has managed to successfully flip their cup, the next player in line can start drinking theirs.

The first team or person to finish all their beers wins! 3. Kings Cup: This is a great game for large groups as well since it can accommodate so many players (up to 12!). All you need is a deck of cards and some drinks – preferably something stronger than beer like vodka or tequila shots!

Each card has a different rule associated with it – for example, if you draw an Ace you have to take one drink, if you draw a King you become “the king” and get to make up a rule for everyone else to follow until someone else draws another King and takes over…and so on. Be creative with your rules and most importantly, don’t forget to drink!

How Do I Have Fun Drinking With Friends?

When it comes to drinking with friends, there are a few things you can do to make sure everyone has a good time. First, have a plan for what you’re going to drink. Whether you’re going to stick to one type of alcohol or mix things up, it helps to know what you’re working with ahead of time.

This way, you can be sure everyone gets their favorite drink and no one is left out. Second, create some drinking games or come up with other ways to make the experience more fun. Drinking games are always a hit, especially if they’re new and people haven’t played them before.

If you don’t want to play games, see if there’s a bar or club nearby that has live music or other entertainment going on. Finally, remember to pace yourself and drink responsibly. It’s not fun for anyone if someone gets too drunk and ends up sick or in trouble.

So take it easy, enjoy your drinks, and most importantly – have fun!

What’S a Fun Drinking Game for Two?

A fun drinking game for two people is “I Never.” To play, each person takes turns making a statement about something they have never done. For example, “I never have been to Europe.”

If the other person has done what you said, then they drink. The game continues until both players are drunk or one player runs out of things to say.

Are There Online Drinking Games?

Yes, there are online drinking games. There are a variety of online drinking games, some of which are more popular than others. The most popular online drinking game is probably “Beer Pong.”

Beer pong is a game in which players throw ping-pong balls into cups of beer on the other team’s side of the table. If a ping-pong ball lands in a cup of beer, the person who threw it gets to drink the beer. The first team to finish all their beers loses the game.

App Games to Play With Friends Drinking


Drinking Games on Phone for 2

There are many reasons to love playing drinking games on your phone. For one, it’s a great way to bond with friends and family. It also allows you to drink without having to leave the comfort of your own home.

And, most importantly, it’s a lot of fun! If you’re looking for some great drinking games to play on your phone, here are a few of our favorites: 1. Flip Cup – This classic game is perfect for large groups.

All you need is a few phones and some plastic cups. Fill each cup with your beverage of choice and line them up on a table. Players take turns flipping their cup upside down and then right side up again using only their phone.

The first team to finish wins! 2. Beer Pong – Another group favorite, beer pong can be played with as little as two people. All you need is a ping pong ball and two phones (or two Solo cups).

Set up 10 cups in a triangle formation at each end of the table and fill them with beer (or any other beverage). Players take turns trying to bounce the ball into the other team’s cups. If successful, the opposing team must drink the contents of that cup.

The first team to clear all 10 cups wins! 3. Quarters – This simple game only requires one phone and one quarter (or any other small coin). Players take turns bouncing the quarter off the table and into the other player’s cup.

If successful, that player must drink their beverage. The first player to reach 21 “points” wins! 4. I Never – This game is best played with three or more people. One person starts by saying something they have never done before (e..g., “I never have been skydiving”). Everyone else who has done that thing takes a drink.


If you’re looking for some fun games to play with your friends while you all drink, look no further! Here are four great app games that are sure to get you laughing and maybe even a little tipsy. 1) “I Dare You”: This game is all about daring your friends to do crazy things.

The dares can be anything from singing in public to eating weird food combinations. Whoever completes the dare gets a point, and whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins! 2) “Never Have I Ever”: In this classic drinking game, players take turns confessing things they’ve never done before.

For every player that has done the thing being confessed, they have to take a drink. This game is bound to reveal some interesting secrets about your friends! 3) “Kings Cup”: Kings Cup is a card game that’s perfect for large groups.

The rules are simple: each card corresponds to a different action or rule (for example, the Ace of Spades might mean “Everyone takes a drink”). Once all of the cards have been drawn and assigned their meaning, players take turns drawing cards and following the corresponding rule. Be warned: this game can get pretty wild!

4) ” Drunk Jenga”: Jenga is a classic wooden block stacking game that’s usually played sober. But Drunk Jenga ups the ante by adding instructions on each block that players must follow when it’s their turn. These instructions range from taking a drink to telling embarrassing stories, so be prepared for some laughter (and maybe even some tears)!

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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