Alcohol Games to Play With Friends Online

Do you and your friends like to drink? Do you like playing games together? Well, now you can combine those two activities by playing drinking games online with your friends!

There are a variety of different games to choose from that are sure to get you and your friends drunk and laughing all night long. So log on and get ready to have some fun!

If you and your friends are looking for a fun way to spend some time together online, why not try out some alcohol games? There are tons of different drinking games that you can play over video chat, and they’re all sure to get you buzzed in no time. Here are a few of our favorites:

1. Quarters: This classic game is easy to set up and play over video chat. All you need is a coin and a glass or cup for each player. Take turns trying to bounce the coin into the glass, and if you succeed, your opponent has to drink.

First person to make their opponent drink five times wins! 2. Beer Pong: You might not be able to set up an actual beer pong table over video chat, but you can still play the game with Solo cups and ping pong balls. Set up 10 cups in a triangle on each side of the “table” (your screen), and take turns trying to toss the ball into your opponents’ cups.

If you make one, they have to drink! First team to eliminate all of their opponents’ cups wins. 3. I Never: This is a great game for getting to know your friends better…and making them drink!

Go around in a circle taking turns confessing things that you’ve never done before (e.g., “I never have gone skinny dipping”). Whoever has done the thing that was said has to drink! 4. Kings Cup: This is another classic drinking game that’s easy enough to play online.

All you need is a deck of cards and somethingto use as a “cup” (a solo cup or mug will work just fine). Place the cup in the middle of your screen, and deal out all of the cards face down around it. Players take turns flipping over cards, and depending on what card is flipped over, there will be a different rule that everyone must follow (e.g., Ace = Waterfall – everyone starts drinking at the same time and can’t stop until the person who drew the Ace does; King = Make a Rule – player who draws this card gets to make up any rule they want for the rest of the game).

The last person standing wins!

Drinking Games to Play with Your Friends

What is a Good Online Drinking Game?

Assuming you would like a list of online drinking games: 1. Quarters: This game is simple yet effective. All you need is a quarter, a cup, and some alcohol.

Players take turns bouncing the quarter off the table into the cup. If they succeed, the next player has to down their drink. First person to miss or refuse loses the game.

2. Kings: Also known as Circle of Death, this card game requires at least three players and one deck of cards. The Ace represents water, the two milk, three beer, four hard liquor, five wine coolers/mixed drinks, six Jell-O shots, seven whole beers (chug), eight straight shots of hard liquor (no chasers!), nine more than half way finished mixed drinks/wine coolers and ten men (or women) must remove an article of clothing. Jacks are wild!

So have fun with it! 3. I Never: A classic party favorite that can be played with as few as two people but is more fun with larger groups. One person starts by saying “I never have…” followed by something they haven’t done before (i.e., “I never have gone skinny dipping”).

Anyone in the group who HAS done what was said then has to drink. This can get hilariously embarrassing so make sure you know your friends well before playing! 4.’Categories’: Another great game for large groups!

One person starts by naming a category (i.e., sports teams) and going around the circle, everyone else has to name something within that category that hasn’t been said yet until someone either can’t think of anything or repeats something that’s already been said—in which case they have to drink! To make it more challenging you can set a time limit or go through multiple rounds where each player has to come up with a new category once their turn is up again.

What is a 2 Person Drinking Game?

A drinking game is any game where players take turns consuming alcoholic drinks. The person who breaks the seal on the bottle or container must drink first, and so on. A variation of this game is to have two people playing at once, with each player having their own separate drink.

If one player finishes their drink before the other, they must buy the other player a new drink.

What is the Most Fun Drinking Game?

The most fun drinking game is the one that you make up yourself with your friends. There are many great games out there to choose from, but the best ones are always the ones you create yourself. That way, you can tailor the rules to fit your group of friends and what you’re all looking for in a good time.

So get creative, and have fun!

What Drinking Games Can You Play on Facetime?

There are a few different drinking games that can be played over FaceTime. One is called “I Have Never.” To play, each person takes turns making statements about things they have never done.

If someone else has done the thing mentioned, they take a drink. For example, “I have never been to Europe” or “I have never gotten a speeding ticket.” The game continues until everyone is too drunk to continue or one person runs out of things to say.

Another drinking game that can be played over FaceTime is called “Would You Rather.” This game works by one person asking the other person a series of hypothetical questions. For example, “Would you rather have unlimited money or unlimited power?”

The player then has to choose between the two options and explain their reasoning. The catch is that they can only answer with one word. If they hesitate or take too long to answer, they have to take a drink.

A third option for a drinking game over FaceTime is simply taking turns telling embarrassing stories from your past. Whoever laughs or gets embarrassed first has to take a drink. This game can get pretty wild, so make sure you’re prepared before you start playing!

So there you have it – three different drinking games that can be played over FaceTime with friends!

Alcohol Games to Play With Friends Online


Interactive Online Drinking Games

It’s Friday night, and you’re looking for a way to liven up your party. Why not try one of these interactive online drinking games? They’re sure to get everyone laughing and help create some great memories.

1. Kings Cup: This classic game is perfect for large groups. All you need is a deck of cards and some drinks. Follow the instructions here to learn how to play.

2. I Never: This game is all about revealing secrets. Players take turns making statements about things they have never done, and anyone who has done that thing has to drink. It’s a great way to break the ice and get everyone talking.

3. Flip Cup: A simple but fun game that can be played with any number of people. All you need is a table, cups, and drinks. Learn how to play here .

4. Beer Pong: Another classic party game that can be played with as many or as few people as you like. You’ll need a ping pong table, balls, and cups filled with beer (or another beverage). Check out the rules here .

5 . Quarters: A fast-paced game that’s perfect for those who like competition. All you need is a quarter, a cup, and something to drink (beer works well).

Flip the quarter into the cup – if it goes in, your opponent has to drink!


Whether you’re trying to stay connected with friends during quarantine or just looking for some fun ways to pass the time, there are plenty of alcohol games you can play online. Here are a few of our favorites: 1. Quiplash: This is a great game for groups of all sizes and requires no prior knowledge or prep work.

Players simply answer prompts with the funniest responses they can think of and vote on their favorite answers. 2. Drunk Jenga: This classic game gets even more fun (and challenging) when you add alcohol into the mix. Take turns drawing cards and completing the actions specified, but be careful not to topple the tower!

3. Kings Cup: A classic drinking game that’s perfect for large groups, Kings Cup can be played online using any video chat platform. The rules are simple: each player draws a card from a deck and completes the associated action. For example, if you draw an Ace you have to take a drink, if you draw a King you become the “King” and get to make up a rule for the rest of the game, etc.

4. Beer Pong: Another classic drinking game that’s easy to set up and play online with friends. All you need is two ping pong balls and two cups per person (filled with whatever alcoholic beverage you prefer). Set up your cups at opposite ends of the table/room and take turns trying to bounce your ball into your opponent’s cup – if they succeed, they get to remove one of their cups from play and whoever clears all their cups first wins!

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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