Best Early Game Hm Slave Emerald

Emerald is one of the best early game hm slaves in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. She has a base speed of 25 which is high for a hm slave and her personal skill, Rally Speed, gives her an extra +2 speed when she uses a rally command. This makes her perfect for catching enemy units off guard and dealing extra damage.

Emerald also comes with the skills proficiency, which allows her to learn skills faster than other units, and resistance +1 which gives her an advantage against magic users.

Emerald is often considered the best early game HM slave due to her unique skill set. She can use Surf to get around, which is extremely helpful for exploring caves and other areas. She also has the ability to use Cut, which can be used to clear obstacles in your way.

Her final HM move is Flash, which allows you to see in the dark and can be used to light up dark areas. Emerald is also a very strong fighter, making her a great all-around party member.

The Best HM Slaves for Each Version of Pokémon

What is the Best Hm Slave in Pokemon Emerald?

There are a few different possible answers to this question, as it depends on what you are looking for in an HM slave. For example, if you want a Pokémon that can learn all of the HMs in the game, then Wailord would be the best choice. However, if you are looking for a Pokémon that can easily take down most opponents while still being able to use HMs effectively, then Tyranitar would be the better option.

Ultimately, it really comes down to what your specific needs are for an HM slave, as there is no one “best” choice.

What Pokemon Make Good Hm Slaves?

There are a few things to consider when choosing which Pokémon to use as HM slaves. The first is whether or not the Pokémon can actually learn the move in question; many HMs can only be learned by certain species. The second is whether or not the Pokémon can already know four other moves, as HMs cannot be replaced once they have been taught.

And finally, it’s worth considering how useful the HM move itself is; some are very situational, while others see regular use even in competitive play. With all that in mind, here are some of the best choices for HM slaves in Pokémon games: For Flying-type moves (Fly, Gust, etc.), most players will want a Pelipper or Swanna.

Both of these Pokémon can learn all of the relevant HMs, and both have access to good offensive moves like Water Gun and Ice Beam. Swanna is particularly noteworthy for its ability Intimidate, which lowers the Attack stat of opposing Pokémon. For Surf-type moves, Lapras and Mantine make great HM slaves.

Both can learn all of the Surf HMs, and both have useful secondary typing (Water/Ice and Water/Flying respectively). Mantine also has the ability Shed Skin, which gives it a 50% chance to heal from status conditions each turn – handy for getting through waterlogged areas without constantly needing healing items. For Strength-type moves (Strength, Rock Smash), there are several options depending on what else you need from your slavePokémon.

Mawile makes a great choice if you’re looking for an offensive option, as it can learn Strength and has access to potent Steel-type moves like Iron Head and Play Rough. For a more defensive option that can take advantage of its Steel typing, Skarmory is hard to beat; it learns both Strength and Rock Smash while being able to set up entry hazards with Spikes or Stealth Rock. And finally, Aggron makes for a good middle ground between offense and defense; it doesn’t quite have Skarmory’s defensive capabilities but hits much harder with its massive attack stat.

Is Sharpedo a Good Hm Slave?

Yes, Sharpedo is a good HM slave. It has access to the following HM moves: – Cut

– Surf – Strength – Waterfall

It also has the ability Rough Skin, which damages opponents that use contact moves on it. Additionally, its high base Attack stat makes it a good choice for taking down opponents quickly.

Which Pokemon Should I Teach Cut to in Emerald?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on what team you are using and what your strategy is. However, some Pokémon that learn the move Cut are more useful than others. Some good choices for Pokémon that can learn Cut are Sawsbuck, Pignite, and Drilbur.

These Pokémon all have access to powerful attacks that can take down most foes. They also all have decent speed, which allows them to use Cut before the opponent has a chance to attack. If you want aPokémon that can also set up traps, Cacnea is a good choice.

It can learn the moves Spikes and Sandstorm, which can help support your team. Cacnea also has access to the powerful Earthquake, which makes it dangerous even without setting up traps. Ultimately, it comes down to what team you are using and what role you need Cut for.

There are many strong Pokémon that can learn the move, so choose whichever one best fits your strategy.

Best Early Game Hm Slave Emerald


Hms in Emerald

The HMS in Emerald is a historic ship that was used by the British Navy during World War II. The ship is now a museum and is open to the public. The HMS in Emerald is a must-see for anyone interested in history or maritime heritage.


In the early game of “Fire Emblem: Three Houses”, the best slave unit is Emerald. She has high stats across the board, making her a versatile unit that can excel in any role. Her personal skill, “Bond of Friendship”, also makes her a valuable asset to any team, as it allows her to grant bonus XP to adjacent allies.

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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