Best Gym Games for Grade 1

There are a lot of great gym games for grade 1 students. Some of these games can help them improve their gross motor skills, while others can help them learn cooperation and teamwork.

Gym Games – Zookeepers

There are a lot of great gym games for grade 1 students! Here are some of our favourites: 1. Simon Says – This classic game is a great way to get kids moving and following directions.

2. Hula Hoop Relay – This relay race is lots of fun and gets kids moving their hips! 3. Balloon Pop – Kids love trying to pop balloons in this fast-paced game. 4. Red Light, Green Light – Another classic game that’s perfect for the gym setting.

5. Musical Chairs – A perennial favourite, musical chairs is always a hit with kids.

Grade 1 Gym Games No Equipment

Grade 1 gym games no equipment is a great way to get your child moving and improve their fitness without having to worry about the cost or space required for traditional gym equipment. These games can be played indoors or outdoors, making them perfect for rainy days or hot summer days when you don’t want your child to be cooped up inside. All you need is a few pieces of tape and some empty space and your child will be able to run, jump, and play their way to better fitness.

Best Gym Games for Grade 1


What are Some Gym Activities for Kids?

There are a variety of gym activities for kids that can help them stay active and fit. Some popular options include basketball, dodgeball, tag games, running races, and playing on the monkey bars. Gym class is a great time for kids to socialize and have fun while getting some exercise.

What Do First Graders Learn in Gym?

First graders learn the basics of a variety of sports and games in gym class. They also learn about cooperation, fair play, and following rules. By the end of first grade, most students can catch a ball, throw a ball overhand, hop on one foot, and skip.

What are Some Activities for Gym?

Assuming you would like a list of activities that can be done at the gym: -Treadmill -Stationary bike

-Free weights -Weight machines -Elliptical trainer

What are Some Indoor Pe Activities?

When the weather outside is frightful, there are still plenty of ways to stay active indoors. Here are a few ideas for indoor PE activities that will get your students up and moving: 1. Simon Says – A classic game that can be played with any number of students.

One student is “Simon” and gives commands to the others, who must follow them only if Simon prefaces the command with “Simon says…” If a student does not follow a correctly given command or follows a command not prefaced with “Simon says,” they are out of the game. The last student standing is the winner! 2. Hula Hoop Relay – Divide students into teams and line them up behind a starting line.

At the other end of the room, place a hula hoop on the floor for each team. When you say “go,” the first student in each team must race to their hula hoop, put it around their waist and do three hula hoops before running back to tag the next student in line. The first team to have all their students complete the course wins!

3. Balloon Keep-Up – You will need one balloon per student for this activity. Students should spread out around the room and try to keep their balloon in the air as long as possible, using only their hands (no feet!). Every time a balloon hits the ground, that student is out until there is only one person left – the winner!


There are a lot of great games that can be played in the gym for grade 1 students. Some of these games include dodgeball, tag, and relay races. These games are not only fun for the kids, but they also help them to stay active and healthy.

About the author 

Terry K. Cioffi

Hey there! I'm Terry, and I love playing and talking about games. I've been into gaming since I was a kid, so I like to think that I know a thing or two about the topic.

I'm here to help you have as much fun as possible when it comes to gaming. Whether you're a seasoned vet or just starting out, I'll make sure you have all the information you need to make the most of your experience. So let's get started!

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